Data exfiltration in Keepa Price Tracker

As readers of this blog might remember, shopping assistants aren’t exactly known for their respect of your privacy. They will typically use their privileged access to your browser in order to extract data. For them, this ability is a competitive advantage. You pay for a free product with a privacy hazard.

Usually, the vendor will claim to anonymize all data, a claim that can rarely be verified. Even if the anonymization actually happens, it’s really hard to do this right. If anonymization can be reversed and the data falls into the wrong hands, this can have severe consequences for a person’s life.

Meat grinder with the Keepa logo on its side is working on the Amazon logo, producing lots of prices and stars
Image credits: Keepa, palomaironique, Nikon1803

Today we will take a closer look at a browser extension called “Keepa – Amazon Price Tracker” which is used by at least two million users across different browsers. The extension is being brought out by a German company and the privacy policy is refreshingly short and concise, suggesting that no unexpected data collection is going on. The reality however is: not only will this extension extract data from your Amazon sessions, it will even use your bandwidth to load various Amazon pages in the background.

The server communication

The Keepa extension keeps a persistent WebSocket connection open to its server The server parameters include your unique user identifier, stored both in the extension and as a cookie on As a result, this identifier will survive both clearing browse data and reinstalling the extension, you’d have to do both for it to be cleared. If you choose to register on, this identifier will also be tied to your user name and email address.

Looking at the messages being exchanged, you’ll see that these are binary data. But they aren’t encrypted, it’s merely deflate-compressed JSON-data.

Developer tools showing binary messages being exchanged

You can see the original message contents by copying the message as a Base64 string, then running the following code in the context of the extension’s background page:

pako.inflate(atob("eAGrViouSSwpLVayMjSw0FFQylOyMjesBQBQGwZU"), {to: "string"});

This will display the initial message sent by the server:

  "status": 108,
  "n": 71

What does Keepa learn about your browsing?

Whenever I open an Amazon product page, a message like the following is sent to the Keepa server:

  "payload": [null],
  "scrapedData": {
    "tld": "de"
  "ratings": [{
    "rating": "4,3",
    "ratingCount": "2.924",
    "asin": "B0719M4YZB"
  "key": "f1",
  "domainId": 3

This tells the server that I am using Amazon Germany (the value 3 in domainId stands for .de, 1 would have been .com). It also indicates the product I viewed (asin field) and how it was rated by Amazon users. Depending on the product, additional data like the sales rank might be present here. Also, the page scraping rules are determined by the server and can change any time to collect more sensitive data.

A similar message is sent when an Amazon search is performed. The only difference here is that ratings array contains multiple entries, one for each article in your search results. While the search string itself isn’t being transmitted (not with the current scraping rules at least), from the search results it’s trivial to deduce what you searched for.

Extension getting active on its own

That’s not the end of it however. The extension will also regularly receive instructions like the following from the server (shortened for clarity):

  "key": "o1",
  "url": "…",
  "isAjax": true,
  "httpMethod": 0,
  "domainId": 3,
  "timeout": 8000,
  "scrapeFilters": [{
    "sellerName": {
      "name": "sellerName",
      "selector": "#aod-offer-soldBy div.a-col-right > a:first-child",
      "altSelector": "#aod-offer-soldBy .a-col-right span:first-child",
      "attribute": "text",
      "reGroup": 0,
      "multiple": false,
      "optional": true,
      "isListSelector": false,
      "parentList": "offers",
      "keepBR": false
    "rating": {
      "name": "rating",
      "selector": "#aod-offer-seller-rating",
      "attribute": "text",
      "regExp": "(\\d{1,3})\\s?%",
      "reGroup": 1,
      "multiple": false,
      "optional": true,
      "isListSelector": false,
      "parentList": "offers",
      "keepBR": false
  "l": [{
    "path": ["chrome", "webRequest", "onBeforeSendHeaders", "addListener"],
    "index": 1,
    "a": {
      "urls": ["<all_urls>"],
      "types": ["main_frame", "sub_frame", "stylesheet", "script", ]
    "b": ["requestHeaders", "blocking", "extraHeaders"]
  }, , null],
  "block": "(https?:)?\\/\\/.*?(\\.gif|\\.jpg|\\.png|\\.woff2?|\\.css|adsystem\\.)\\??"

The address belongs to an air compressor, not a product I’ve ever looked at but one that Keepa is apparently interested in. The extension will now attempt to extract data from this page despite me not navigating to it. Because of isAjax flag being set here, this address is loaded via XMLHttpRequest, after which the response text is being put into a frame of extensions’s background page. If isAjax flag weren’t set, this page would be loaded directly into another frame.

The scrapeFilters key sets the rules to be used for analyzing the page. This will extract ratings, prices, availability and any other information via CSS selectors and regular expressions. Here Keepa is also interested in the seller’s name, elsewhere in the shipping information and security tokens. There is also functionality here to read out contents of the Amazon cart, I didn’t look too closely at that however.

The l key is also interesting. It tells the extension’s background page to call a particular method with the given parameters, here chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener method is being called. The index key determines which of the predefined listeners should be used. The purpose of the predefined listeners seems to be removing some security headers as well as making sure headers like Cookie are set correctly.

The server’s effective privileges

Let’s take a closer look at the privileges granted to the Keepa server here, these aren’t entirely obvious. Loading pages in the background isn’t meant to happen within the user’s usual session, there is some special cookie handling meant to produce a separate session for scraping only. This doesn’t appear to always work reliably, and I am fairly certain that the server can make pages load in the usual Amazon session, rendering it capable of impersonating the user towards Amazon. As the server can also extract arbitrary data, it is for example entirely possible to add a shipping address to the user’s Amazon account and to place an order that will be shipped there.

The l key is also worth taking a second look. At first the impact here seems limited by the fact that the first parameter will always be a function, one out of a few possible functions. But the server could use that functionality to call{}, "alert(1)") in the context of the extension’s background page and execute arbitrary JavaScript code. Luckily, this call doesn’t succeed thanks to the extension’s default Content Security Policy.

But there are more possible calls, and some of these succeed. For example, the server could tell the extension to call{}, {code: "alert(1)"}). This will execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the current tab if the extension has access to it (meaning any Amazon website). It would also be possible to specify a tab identifier in order to inject JavaScript into background tabs:{}, 12, {code: "alert(1)"}). For this the server doesn’t need to know which tabs are open: tab identifiers are sequential, so it’s possible to find valid tab identifiers simply by trying out potential candidates.

Privacy policy

Certainly, a browser extension collecting all this data will have a privacy policy to explain how this data is used? Here is the privacy policy of the German-based Keepa GmbH in full:

You can use all of our services without providing any personal information. However, if you do so we will not sell or trade your personal information under any circumstance. Setting up a tracking request on our site implies that you’d like us to contact you via the contact information you provided us. We will do our best to only do so if useful and necessary - we hate spam as much as you do. If you login/register using Social-Login or OpenID we will only save the username and/or email address of the provided data. Should you choose to subscribe to one of our fee-based subscriptions we will share your email and billing address with the chosen payment provider - solely for the purpose of payment related communication and authentication. You can delete all your information by deleting your account through the settings.

This doesn’t sound right. Despite being linked under “Privacy practices” in the Chrome Web Store, it appears to apply only to the Keepa website, not to any of the extension functionality. The privacy policy on the Mozilla Add-ons site is more specific despite also being remarkably short (formatting of the original preserved):

You can use this add-on without providing any personal information. If you do opt to share contact information, we will only use it to provide you updates relevant to your tracking requests. Under no circumstances will your personal information be made available to a third party. This add-on does not collect any personal data beyond the contact information provided by you.

Whenever you visit an Amazon product page the ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) of that product is used to load its price history graph from We do not log such requests.

The extension creates required functional cookies containing a session and your settings on, which is required for session management (storing settings and accessing your account, if you create one). No other (tracking, advertising) cookies are created.

This refers to some pieces of the Keepa functionality but it once again completely omits the data collection outlined here. It’s reassuring to know that they don’t log product identifiers when showing product history, but they don’t need to if on another channel their extension sends far more detailed data to the server. This makes the first sentence, formatted as bold text, a clear lie. Unless of course you don’t consider the information collected here personal. I’m not a lawyer, maybe in the legal sense it isn’t.

I’m fairly certain however that this privacy policy doesn’t meet the legal requirements of the GDPR. To be compliant it would need to mention the data being collected, explain the legal grounds for doing so, how it is being used, how long it is being kept and who it is shared with.

That said, this isn’t the only regulation violated by Keepa. As a German company, they are obliged to publish a legal note (in German: Impressum) on their website so that visitors can immediately recognize the party responsible. Keepa hides both this information and the privacy policy in a submenu (one has to click “Information” first) under the misleading name “Disclaimer.” The legal requirements are for both pages to be reachable with one click, and the link title needs to be unambiguous.


Keepa extension is equipped to collect any information about your Amazon visits. Currently it will collect information about the products you look at and the ones you search for, all that tied to a unique and persistent user identifier. Even without you choosing to register on the Keepa website, there is considerable potential for the collected data to be deanonymized.

Some sloppy programming had the (likely unintended) consequence of making the server even more powerful, essentially granting it full control over any Amazon page you visit. Luckily, the extension’s privileges don’t give it access to any websites beyond Amazon.

The company behind the extension fails to comply with its legal obligations. The privacy policy is misleading in claiming that no personal data is being collected. It fails to explain how the data is being used and who it is shared with. There are certainly companies interested in buying detailed online shopping profiles, and a usable privacy policy needs to at least exclude the possibility of the data being sold.


  • ekdikeo

    Interesting. They are using the extension users to scrape Amazon's site for data, which they then put into their databases. They're getting around Amazon API limits by not calling the APIs themselves, they're flagrantly violating Amazon's "do not scrape pages" policy. Keepa is seriously violating Amazon's TOS.

    I doubt, however, that them collecting Amazon's catalog info and using your connection to do it, actually violates any privacy policies/requirements though, even with the EUs rather.. stringent.. requirements.

  • Mr.sniffelz

    Thanks for the insight! Quick question, I am trying to follow your post, but I can't seem to find where the browser sends the following to the server: { "payload": [null], "scrapedData": { "tld": "de" }, "ratings": [{ "rating": "4,3", "ratingCount": "2.924", "asin": "B0719M4YZB" }], "key": "f1", "domainId": 3 }

    I'm loading a product and checking the websocket messages and I don't see anything like this. I'm interested in learning how these extensions work. Where should I be looking? Thanks!

    Wladimir Palant

    As the article says, the data is gzip-compressed. It also mentions one possible way to uncompress it to see the JSON payload.

  • Mr.sniffelz

    Thanks for the reply! I did uncompress, but I still don't see keepa sending data like this through the WebSocket to the server. It looks like keepa is just sending data from their server, but nothing significant from the client (eg. asin, username, domain, etc.)

    Is it possible that keepa stopped scraping in the background since you posted this article?

    Thanks for sharing the knowledge!

    Wladimir Palant

    I only know what they did back when this article was published. Presumably, they did receive some pressure from Mozilla and Google after this publication to bring their behavior in line with their privacy policy, so it’s totally possible that their data collection behavior changed. And they’ve since had three releases. But at least the changes listed on Mozilla Add-ons don’t mention it. So if they changed that behavior, they didn’t announce it.

  • Danish Aziz

    Can it also fetch payment methods and their details? If that's a security threat then will deleting account and uninstalling the app work?

    Wladimir Palant

    Yes, it can get anything that’s happening on Amazon pages, and that includes your payment details of course. If you suspect that this has already happened (there is so far no indication of it but who knows) then there is little you can do about it. But uninstalling the browser extension certainly prevents any further information leaks.

  • Danish Aziz

    Thank you for such a prompt reply. Luckily no such thing has happened. I was just a bit late to remember that nothing's for free 😅

    You're doing a very awesome thing with this platform btw. More power to you man

  • Shant O

    So, is there a way to get or collect Amazon historical data legally?

    Wladimir Palant

    Amazon Conditions of Use explicitly prohibit data mining. So without having done a proper legal evaluation I’d guess: no, not without Amazon’s explicit permission. And Amazon could sue Keepa if they wanted.

  • Nicholas Digger

    i like keepa. i have come up with the following compromise that i feel comfortable with...

    1) use firefox with the 'temporary containers' extension. normal amazon browsing is done in temporary throwaway containers by default, and then i have a persistent container where i'm logged in. 2) use a user script (via 'tampermonkey' or whatever you like) to inject keepa price tracker iframe into amazon product pages in temp containers. also create a (sanitized) link that can open that product page in the persistent amazon container if you want to buy something. this can be done with 'Open external links in a container' extension.

  • Ricardo Gutierrez

    What's funny about keepa is the fact that it was privately co-developed by Palantir Technologies and NSO Group. This plugin makes no attempt to anonymize data. In fact, this plugin effectively works as a man in the middle-- why go to the trouble of breaking SSL-encrypted data when you can export it to a .csv file in plaintext? The funny thing is that none of us are the targets of their data mining. Palantir and NSO are after VIP data. They don't just leave our data sitting idly in a data farm though. It is neatly, neatly packaged and sold to data brokers. It's impossible to say what happens next. If you are using keepa without a custom script, you may as well send all of your most sensitive information directly to the sketchiest online marketing outfit you can find. How do I know? I helped develop keepa. I quit when I found out what its genuine use case was.

    Wladimir Palant

    A note: these claims are impossible to verify. Keepa is a product by a Germany-based Keepa GmbH. Supposedly, this company is specialized in software development, so it develops Keepa itself. Neither staffing nor public information indicate any links to other companies. Its privacy policy does not indicate any trading with personal data, and violations would be quite risky under the GDPR.